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Artista visiva, da anni si occupa di pittura e scultura, conducendo una ricerca personalissima attraverso materiali (tessuti, legno, cera, gesso, ferro)  tecniche pittoriche e fotografiche, in un sottile equilibrio tra il divertissement, l’installazione e il site specific. Ha esposto in ambito nazionale e internazionale ottenendo vari riconoscimenti.

Fa parte di ADAC Mart, l'Archivio degli artisti contemporanei trentini

Vive e lavora a Trento.

Rosalba Trentini is a visual artist. She deals with art forms such as painting and sculpture. She conducts an art-based research through materials (fabric, wood, wax, plaster, iron) as well as pictorial and photo techniques, creating works in a careful balance between divertissement and site- specific installation. She has presented her work at both national and international levels and received numerous awards.

She belongs to ADAC MART the Archive of contemporary Trentino artists. She lives in Trento, in Italy.

© 2018 Rosalba Trentini.

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